Forbes Magazine on Wolfe's Power of Music

Forbes Magazine on Wolfe's Power of Music

Forbes report "Beatie Wolfe is an artist with a capital A"

Sky News TV interview

Sky News TV interview

Joined Sky News' Martin Stanford to talk about SXSW

Wired Magazine interviews Beatie Wolfe

Wired Magazine interviews Beatie Wolfe

Wired Magazine reports that Beatie Wolfe is using music to treat dementia

Watch Beatie Wolfe 'Social Innovation Summit' Lecture

Watch Beatie Wolfe 'Social Innovation Summit' Lecture

Beatie Wolfe addresses Silicon Valley's Social Innovation Summit in San Francisco, CA on Beatie Wolfe's talk at Wired's Next Generation on Beatie Wolfe's talk at Wired's Next Generation

Summary of Beatie Wolfe's keynote at Wired's Next Generation 

Keynote at DLD Summer 15 (Munich)

Keynote at DLD Summer 15 (Munich)

Wolfe joins the wonderful Steffi Czerny's DLDsummer to talk about her Power of Music & dementia project

The Times featured Beatie Wolfe on Page 3

"Listening to new music improves memory of dementia patients" The Times

20150512 - The Times - Page 3 - Beatie Wolfe - Listening to Music Improves Memory of Dementia Patients - by Rosemary Bennett - FULL PAGE - NEW.jpg